Ash's Thinking

Read You 0.9.11 Release Notes



  1. Remember scroll position on feed pages (#519) (@aeghn)
  2. Favicon fetching and handling fixes (#511) (@Ashinch, @kid1412621)
  3. Fix “Swipe to Mark Read” gesture marking multiple items as read (#515) (@kid1412621, @mbestavros)
  4. Add workaround for “Row too big to fit into CursorWindow” bug (#312) (@mbestavros)
  5. Translations updates (thanks to everyone who helped out!)


It’s been quite a week for Read You! This release fixes up most of the rest of the major bugs from release 0.9.9, plus one that’s been around for a long while.

My hope is that this will be a solid longer-term build, and we can take a break from releases for a bit while we wait for new improvements to cook from our wonderful community. As always, if you encounter a bug, please report it on Github!

Since some of you may have missed the big changes in 0.9.9, I’ll include them again below…

#ReadYou #Android #ReleaseNotes